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samedi 11 avril 2015

Android games hacks

Most people would like to create an app for mobile devices because they have a great idea. However, just having a great idea is not going to do it alone. The majority of folks have not pursued the creation of the app itself because they believe it requires an extensive knowledge of programming and the integrated development environment. This most definitely used to be the case, but things have changed for the better as technology has advanced. Many of us tend to forget that software is also technology, and it evolves at an extremely rapid rate as well. This means people can now learn how to make an app even without any kind of technical skills and take advantage of the highly profitable mobile marketing industry.
 Tablets and phones like Samsung Galaxy and iPhone are how most people now access the internet. They use these mobile devices to surf the web and check their email. However, they are also very likely to take advantage of the myriad of mobile applications available to them. Apps are an extremely convenient way for users to interact with their devices and the internet. It provides them with efficient means for entertainment, productivity, and more. Mobile applications are the new wave of the future, and those of us who monetize this opportunity for ourselves could reap monstrous rewards.

 Once your apps are available to the world through the variety of application markets, a whole host of passive income opportunities present themselves to you. If you've created a game or app that you believe should cost money to be downloaded, that is an obvious way to make an income. However, believe it or not, free applications are actually a much more profitable alternative. Why is that the case? Because people are much more inclined to take advantage of something that is free, and this means you will get more downloads. You can generate revenue by putting advertisements or affiliate promotions in your application very easily. This means that some other advertising or vendor will pay you a substantial commission for promoting their offers.
 Apple and their associated artists will actually pay you a commission if you sell iTunes songs directly from within your mobile application. This is much easier than you may think, and all it requires is signing up for a free affiliate account and including these products in your app. The same is true for Amazon. You can promote any product you like and you will get paid a commission for each sale. iTunes and Amazon are very popular options because of music and books, but nearly every single for-profit organization on the internet has an affiliate program.
 Let us go through a hypothetical situation for a free app idea. You can create an application that finds people the best deals on textbooks. Your app would compare dozens of sites online, including Amazon of course, for a certain ISBN or product code the user enters. You will need to sign up to each companies affiliate program and set it up to include your affiliate ID for each vendor in your app. When someone searches for a specific titles or ISBN, your app will send the data request to these vendors and then display the prices for each one. The user can chose one based on their preference, such as price, shipping time, etc, and go to make the purchase. There you have your instant affiliate commission and a very lucrative passive income mechanism in place!

 This may seem quite daunting and complex, but there is software available that makes it very simple with drag and drop efficiency and an intuitive development process. However, the most difficult part about generating a passive income with mobile applications is the same as any affiliate commission campaign. It is getting as many downloads as possible. You have to incorporate certain tricks and techniques to get your app to be very visible in the app store. You must utilize app store search engine optimization, but you also need to promote your app online outside of the app stores. You will need to take advantage of the tutorials referred to below because most new iOS developers create an app and only get about a dozen downloads ever! The top iOS developers that use these techniques get thousands and thousands of downloads every single day, and if you are serious about mobile app development, you need to consider this option.
 Do you see the power of quick and intuitive application development? This is the future route of online marketing, and anyone can become a major part in it regardless of their technical experience. Having a great idea for an app is not going to get you rich alone. You have to take action, and you have be be determined to succeed. Yesterday was the best time, but you also get started making games for the app stores now!

android hacks 2015